Rates 2019-04-18T15:41:31+00:00

Our rates

Since its creation, the Office Notarial des Deux Torrents has consistently ensured that their clients pay the most favourable rates in accordance with the national scale of rates for notaires and in full compliance with fiscal legislation and statutory and regulatory requirements.


The sums you pay to a notaire are commonly and somewhat inaccurately referred to as “notaire’s fees”. These sums comprise the following:

Taxes and dues: these are the sums the notaire is required to collect and to pay over to the State and to the local authorities on behalf of the client. These sums vary according to the nature of the document or the property concerned. They account for the larger part of what is inaccurately referred to as “notaire’s fees”. Notaires in France actually pay some 22 billion euros to the tax authorities each year.

Notaires’ remuneration: this sum covers the notaire’s payment as well as the costs of running the offices and salaries of the support staff.

Disbursements: sums paid out by the notaire on behalf of the client, remunerating for example various agents and/or covering the costs of any external documents required and also any exceptional costs incurred at the request of the client.